The formal announcement of the ICS and introduction of the first honorary President, Dr. Paul LeBlond, occurred on the last day of the First International Cryptozoology Conference, January 6, 2016. The work of the day-to-day functioning of the ICS and the ICM, under the overview of the ICM Board of Directors, is conducted by Loren Coleman, Director, and Jeff Meuse, Assistant Director.
We are honored by Dr. LeBlond’s acceptance of the role of President, as it nicely links the legacy of the previous International Society of Cryptozoology (LeBlond was a former Director of the ISC) to the new International Cryptozoology Society. For those who are unfamiliar with Dr. LeBlond’s work, here is a brief biographical overview:
Paul H. LeBlond is an ocean scientist specialized in the study of waves, tides, tsunamis and ocean currents. In parallel to his research and teaching in physical oceanography, he has also pursued an interest in marine cryptozoology, with special focus on Cadborosaurus. He was one of the founders of the International Society of Cryptozoology, and a co-founder of the British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club. LeBlond is an emeritus professor at the University of British Columbia, a fellow of the Royal Society of Canada and of the Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society. LeBlond is the author of technical scientific studies, a book on wave research, and two books on Cadborosaurus. Also LeBlond has translated a book from the French on Asian Wild Men.